Alright…for those of you who don’t already know, yes…I am married to a Devils fan. Yeah, I know...say what?? Look, she’s a great girl. Everything a guy could want in a lifelong partner. She’s my best friend and I don’t know what I’d do without her. But with all that said, she has ONE flaw. It’s not something I can’t get over. But it sticks out like a sore thumb…but hey, that’s what makes life interesting! And this upcoming series will certainly get interesting as the rivalry between the Rangers and the Devils will be kicked up a notch. We have gone through this before, as we had just started dating in 2008. But this will be our first since being married and living under the same roof!
Many of you have experienced this torture before. Yankees and Red Sox. Canadiens and Bruins. Giants and Cowboys. You all know what I’m talking about. And I’ll bet none of you ever thought of this when you started dating, or even married that cute girl in the enemy’s colors, or that handsome dude wearing the jersey of the “bad guys”. But unfortunately, the time eventually comes when you and the love of your life (die hard sports fans for your beloved teams) must draw lines in the sand, and deal with the horrible reality of a playoff series against each other.
This type of thing should not be taken lightly. Rival playoff series lead to trash talking, fights in the stands and most importantly, arguments amongst loved ones, which can lead to one of you sleeping on the couch. This can make for a very long 2 weeks over the course of a grueling 7 game series.
So, are you wondering how you can avoid all of this and just enjoy the series? Well, fear not! I am here with the top 10 ways to get you through this 7 game war, so you can still root for your team, and also get your fill of mindless trash talking that you shouldn’t be spewing after a bad loss, or better yet…rubbing a victory in someone’s face…as long as it’s not your spouse!
Tip #1: Say “I love you” as many times as you can throughout the day. This cannot be stated enough. There are going to be times during the 60 minutes (or more) of a game that you might not WANT to say it as your team may be losing, but remember, it IS just a sporting event, and your relationship IS more important, as is your sanity. Also, remember to say it after the game is over…particularly if you win.
Tip #2: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT touch ANY paraphernalia that may have the opposing teams colors on it, for two reasons. Number 1, you don’t want to jinx yourself and number 2, you don’t want to upset your significant other who, like you, believes that superstitions really do work (they do, I swear to you, they do).
Tip #3: Brown nosing can come in handy! Indeed it does. If you notice that something needs to be done around the house, just do it. It can only lead to good things…despite the outcome of the game! ;-)
Tip #4: Don’t be over zealous when cheering on your team if you happen to be watching the game together. Cheer when your team scores, clap if your team wins, but keep the hooting and hollering to a minimum. Save the big celebrations for when you’re on the phone with your friends, they’ll appreciate it a lot more than your better half will.
Tip #5: Place a small little bet. Nothing ridiculous, but just a little something to make things interesting and fun. For example, my wife I have decided that the loser of this series has to don the winner’s colors (a jersey and a hat), a picture must be taken and it must be used as a profile picture on Twitter, Facebook and the hockey forum that we post on for 24 hours, no more...but no less!
Tip #6: Try to avoid your own commentating during the game. If there is something that pisses you off about the refs, about a player for the opposing team, keep it to yourself. Rant on social media, text your buddy, but don’t whine about it in front of your significant other. Cause they will most likely disagree with your view, and that will only lead to anger on their end and who wants to deal with that?
Tip #7: Did I mention saying “I LOVE YOU”?!? I’m telling you…It’s extremely important. Before, during and AFTER the game.
Tip #8: If you notice your spouse ranting about your team on any form of social media (Facebook, Twitter or forums), do your best to avoid commenting at ALL costs, even in joking fashion. If they are in a bad mood, it can only lead to a snippy response on their end. Which leads me to my next point…
Tip #9: If your spouse is really ticked after a bad loss….GIVE. THEM. THEIR. SPACE.
Tip #10: Be compassionate to THEM if your team emerges victorious in the series. Celebrate with your friends, trash talk to your co-workers, but try and be nice to them. If you’re the guy…flowers go a LONG way...if you’re the girl, his favorite meal and a beer when he gets home from work the day after will take some of the sting away from this crushing defeat.
Bonus Tip: Gloating in front of your significant other is STRONGLY discouraged. While you may want to and feel that you’ve earned that right, it’s not a good idea. Whoever loses is going to need a few days to get over it, but the winner doing their part to let them know that they still love them will help ease the pain. Give it a few days, then gloat just a little…I’m sure at that point, they’ll at least crack a smile…hopefully!
While these tips are not fool proof, they can only help when dealing with the stress of a rival playoff series. My wife and I have decided to try and live by these rules to keep the anger and anxiety levels to a minimum. I know it seems impossible, and I’m sure there are some out there that will think I’m crazy saying all of this. And I’m sure even more don’t care if they tick their significant other off, and in fact may relish in it. And that’s fine, but just remember, it can lead to bad things. Sports fans are nuts in general when they DON’T know each other. When it’s someone you have to spend your days with, it can create A LOT of tension. And in the end, you need to remember that it’s a sporting event, your relationship should not be decided by the outcome of a game…or series!
Are you in an Inter-Rival relationship right now? Have you experienced this before and have your own advice for others going through this for the first time? Well, feel free to share! Might as well get your advice in now while you’re still thinking rationally…the puck drops in less than 10 hours!!
Oh...and while my better half is still in a good mood (at least until tonight)...LET’S GO RANGERS!!
Monday, May 14, 2012
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